DayFR Euro

Terminus station for Olivier Luder

“At the beginning of 2008, when I was co-producer of Pass Me the Binocularsa colleague told me that he had met someone in Saignelégier who had a lot of charisma and that I should be interested in them,” says Claude Schauli.

The scenario of a “Luder-style” film

The RTS director contacted Olivier Luder, who invited him to come to his house: “When I arrived, he took out a notebook, he had written around ten pages, it was almost a script for a film, with Luder sauce. We had to make choices.”

“During the filming of the show, one day we were at Noirmont, Olivier said to me: ‘You should show the Roc-Montès clinic, it’s an important place.’…


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