As Star Academy soon comes to an end and the tour approaches, a wave of discontent takes place behind the scenes of the singing competition. If fans are impatiently waiting to see their favorite stars on stage, the atmosphere is anything but festive among the candidates.
According to information released by the blogger Clément Garinthe students contest the conditions imposed by Endemolexcept Marguerite. At the heart of the discord: contracts deemed “precarious” and one control of the production and distribution of their video content.
Star Academy, a collective attack… without Marguerite
For students, this reinforced control is a step backwards. Candice's vlogs were wildly successful last year, but Endemol refuses any autonomy this time. Worse, candidates are prohibited from publishing edited images or videos on any social network, and will have to submit for validation before any publication. “The contents must reflect the image of the program”, stipulates a clause which inflamed the students.
And that's not all, among the sensitive points, the remuneration of 135 euros per day is considered insufficient. So, to do hear their voicethe students joined forces: a collective email sent to production who lists all of their demands. “Ces clauses are harmful in many ways”, they denounced.
However, a student stands out among the rest of the troop and she doesn't share everyone's opinion. It is about Marguerite. Unlike her comrades, she accept the contract as iswhich must certainly cause an electric atmosphere between them. The email from dissatisfied students was sent ending with a mention “Except Marguerite.”
-Adjustments from Endemol
The Endemol teams therefore tried to calm the spirits. A revaluation of remuneration daily to 150 euros was proposed, accompanied by a relaxation of rules on social networks. But, will these gestures be enough to appease the students?
One thing is certain, production insists that they must quickly sign the contractwhich leaves them very little time to negotiate. The pressure is mounting between the end of the Star Academy which will pit Ebony and Marine against each other next week, as well as tour scheduled to begin on February 21. As a reminder, here are the students you will find on stage : Franck, Charles, Ulysse, Maïa, Marguerite, Ebony, Maureen, Emma and Marine.
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