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Country of Redon. Residents invited to imagine life in the area in 2050


Arnaud Gicquello

Published on

Jan 18, 2025 at 3:52 a.m.

The Development Council is a consultative, participatory body which contributes to enriching local public policies by providing a link between the citizens and elected officials of the country of Redon. “As part of its mission, the Council was asked by Redon agglomeration to participate in the development of the Territorial Coherence Scheme (SCOT), a projection document on an intercommunal scale”explains Clara Guillaume, coordinator at the Development Council.

More precisely, the SCOT is a long-term strategic planning document (around 20 years) intended to serve as a reference framework for the various sectoral policies, in particular those centered on questions of spatial organization and town planning, housing, mobility, commercial development or even the environment.

On this occasion, the Development Council invites residents and stakeholders in local life to share “their experience in the territory, their subjects of interest and their aspirations”around the animation “Journey to glorious 2030”, which will take place on Tuesday January 21 from 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m., at 3 rue Charles-Sillard, in Redon.

A game to create the world of tomorrow

“Supported by a facilitator, participants will be invited to project themselves into the future and imagine life in the country of Redon in 2050”explains Clara Guillaume. “In a fun way, they will be invited to create character profiles and imagine their lives in 25 years. For example, how will these imaginary people evolve in their living environment with regard to the water resources available in 2050.”

The initiative is based on a proven methodology. Planning, mobility, life in neighborhoods, shared spaces, health, employment, education, environment… A large number of subjects will be reviewed.


From this definition of life in 2050, steps can then be taken to achieve this and thus check whether the SCOT is on a positive trajectory. “This collective and creative animation is a means allowing civil society to take up the subject”summarizes Clara Guillaume.

Videos: currently on Actu

Supported by the members of the Development Council, this forecast will then be integrated into the SCOT, probably from mid-March.

Public meeting to present the system, Tuesday January 21, from 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m., at the Le Don room, at 3 rue Charles-Sillard, in Redon.

Confirmation of participation expected before this Friday, January 17 at 07 61 58 94 00 or by email: [email protected].

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