She leaps onto the stage like a cannonball. Go-getter, unsinkable in her little black plastic sandals, Tatiana Gueria Nade shines in the show Dubby choreographer Amala Dianor, on view from December 11 to 14, 2024, at the Théâtre de la Ville, in Paris and currently on tour. All music is the honey of his joyful fury which raises a tornado of vitality. “I was born in dance”, she summarizes. Barely sitting in a corner of the dressing room, Thursday December 12, 2024, Tatiana Gueria Nade sets the pace.
Fast, straight to the point. No time to beat around the bush, the 28-year-old Ivorian dancer and choreographer is shaking up her busy life. “My mother is a former dancer, my father is a sculptor and percussionistshe says. I started at 6 years old in a traditional dance school in Abidjan and, a year later, I was participating in competitions during the holidays. » And the Tatiana Gueria Nade rocket never stopped. Between hip-hop, coupé-décalé, the urban style of Abidjan, and betrayed, she found herself from the age of 12 accompanying singers in concert in nightclubs.
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