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Moissac. An evening full of nostalgia at the hall

the essential
The screening of “Louise… ou le temps d’une walse” brought back memories.

Among the spectators present at the screening of the film “Louise… or the time of a waltz” by the Caméra-Club dear to Jean-Pierre Miquel, few were those who did not have a thought, a bit of emotion and even perhaps a tear in the corner of the eye when remembering Marcel Pagnol’s trilogy: “The Glory of My Father”, “The Castles of My Mother”, “The Time of Secrets”. The two directors wanted to capture the essence of their respective regions: Provence for one, lower Quercy for the other. This last film, shelved since 2006, offered a return session full of humor, laughter and emotion, recounting the adventures of Louise, but also those of Augustus, Achilles, Antoninus and other characters striking. A life punctuated by work, like haymaking, interspersed with the Angelus and moments of relaxation: the Trieuses ball, poaching, the night in the river. All this provoked laughter and emotions, recalling romantic breakups or drama softened by Antonin’s generosity. Achilles’ illness, his rapprochement with Léonie and their imminent marriage also moved the spectators.

Jean-Pierre Miquel knew how to construct a film with funny scenes, rumors of bigots, sermons and surprise confessions, but also happy romantic adventures and softened dramas, all crowned by the visit of the mayor and the general councilor decorations. Which delighted the spectators.

In conclusion, an evening of friendship and sharing carefully orchestrated by the Caméra-Club of Jean-Pierre Miquel and his team, warmly applauded. These encouragements call for others to shine the spotlight on Moissac and celebrate living together.


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