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Kylie Minogue “on all fours” in her living room: the improbable anecdote of Élodie Gossuin

Invited on the set of “Télématin”, Tuesday January 14, 2025, Élodie Gossuin told an improbable anecdote involving Kylie Minogue “on all fours” in her living room. Explanations.

She got up early. Tuesday January 14, 2025, Élodie Gossuin was the guest of Flavie Flament and Julien Arnaud in “Télématin”, on 2, to promote “Holiday on ice, no limits”, a show for which she does the voice-over. An invitation that she accepted because it was Flavie Flament, with whom she did one of her first television interviews, after being elected Miss France 2001. And Bertrand Lacherie’s wife took advantage of her appearance on the show to tell two rather juicy anecdotes about two international stars that she had the chance (or not) to meet.

The first is Leonardo DiCaprio. “Is it true that you blew Leonardo DiCaprio? ”, he was asked. To which Élodie Gossuin responded in the affirmative. “Yes, that’s true. I regret a little… No, I’m kidding,” she slipped before saying: “It was a Parisian evening after Miss France. I even believe that Geneviève [de Fontenay, ndlr] was there. I think it was after a film screening in . He tells me in English that he’s staying at the Crillon, that it’s a room and that it would be nice to stop by. » She obviously didn’t go: “I felt a little humiliated… It’s not classy. » Even if it’s Leo.

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“She turns around, it was Kylie Minogue”

“Is it true that you found Kylie Minogue in your living room? “, then wanted to know one of the columnists of “Télématin”. And, once again, she said “yes”. “One day, I come home from work, so from Paris, I come home, I live far away. […] I arrive home, Rose and Jules, my older children, were two or three years old, and I see them playing in the living room with a girl on all fours. “I am going to catch you”, I don’t know what she was telling them. She had her back, she turned around, it was Kylie Minogue, on all fours in my living room. » An improbable image that Élodie Gossuin will not soon forget.

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“I’m not in showbiz, my friends aren’t in showbiz either, but one of my darling’s best friends, who is my big daughter’s godfather, […] was going out at the time with Kylie Minogue, and he came to see us and see the children,” she explained, specifying that it was not necessarily a good surprise for her: “It was a shock, I felt so bad. »


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