Julie Perreault discusses her relationship with her children and bursts into tears
DayFR Euro

Julie Perreault discusses her relationship with her children and bursts into tears

During his time on the show For oncebroadcast on Télé-Québec.

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Julie Perreault revealed herself in a particularly moving light when evoking the deep bond she has with her children.

During this show, Julie Perreault had the opportunity to speak with complete sincerity during a touching segment, hosted by her great friend Magalie Lépine-Blondeau. Magalie, with her delicacy, asked questions that allowed Julie to share her thoughts and her most intimate feelings about her family.

This moment was particularly touching when Julie began to talk about the relationship she has with her children. Thomas Delorme et Elizabeth Delorme. Her emotion was palpable, and her responses revealed a deep tenderness and touching vulnerability. Julie’s words, filled with love and gratitude, brought tears to her eyes and to the viewers’ eyes, highlighting the beauty of the family bond.

See the excerpt below:



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