DayFR Euro

Change of logo and renewed dynamic for Le Soleil in Saignelégier

Last September, newly appointed head of the Soleil cultural space, Jérôme Gogniat explained to us that he wanted to relaunch the associative aspect of the place.

It is now done. After numerous meetings, a structure was put in place, bringing together some 45 volunteers, divided into several groups representing the entire range of cultural activities.

Four major programming groups

“We have formed four large groups. The first is devoted to music, and is divided into four categories: song, contemporary music, jazz and classical. The second is interested in the performing arts, including theater, dance and music. humor. The third, “literature and society”, will aim to highlight works, but also to address different social subjects, by inviting authors to talk about them. more of the gallery, recognized far away this round, we’re going to try to develop slightly different events.”

Workshops will also be organized, allowing the public “to participate rather than consume”. Those of drawing with a live model, which have existed since the creation of Le Soleil in 1980, will be part of it, but others will also be offered, for example a free drawing and creation workshop for children, which will take place every first Wednesday of month, and once a month in Breuleux.


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