James Gunn has officially launched his DC Universe (DCU) with the series Creature Commandos. An exciting animated series, which is in line with Peacemaker and of The Suicide Squad. While Superman is expected next July, we wanted to come back to all the DC characters who are officially canon in the DCU.
Creature Commandos
As the show concluded this week, Creature Commandos is an exciting entry into the new DC universe by James Gunn. Trash and gripping animated series, Creature Commandos features new characters while recycling certain famous figures from The Suicide Squad. The opportunity to do something new with something old. In any case, the series presented a first wave of new characters:
- The Bride
- Nina
- Rick Flag Sr.
- G.I. Robot
- Dr Phosphorus
- Victor Frankenstein
- Éric Frankenstein
- Clay Maw
- Circe
- Batman
- Nesferata
- Leave the momie
- Rupert Thorne
We have deliberately not yet mentioned the characters already present in The Suicide Squad. They come right after. In any case, we will note the Batman cameo which confirms the presence of the Dark Knight in this new DC universe. We will also note James Gunn’s desire to focus this new series on “monstrous” characters.
The Suicide Squad
With Creature CommandosJames Gunn recycles certain characters from his The Suicide Squad. It is therefore with a certain surprise that we cross paths with certain characters who were nevertheless included in le DC Extended Universe (DCEU). So, Amanda Waller, Weasel, Rick Flag Jr, John Economos et King Shark survived the transition from the DCEU to the DCU. These characters, already all present in The Suicide Squad are therefore officially recalled in the DCU. Creature Commandos also makes references to the series Peacemaker, which suggests that the events of The Suicide Squad and this spinoff series are also canon in the DCU.
It now remains to be seen which characters will survive this transition. What about Bloodsport (Idris Elba), Ratcatcher (Daniela Melchior), or even and above all Harley Quinn ? Is the latter really part of the DCU, and above all, is it Margot Robbie will keep the role? We are still in the dark. It would seem, however, that John Cena as Peacemaker is part of the DCU adventure since a season 2 of Peacemaker is expected. There is also a good chance that we will see again Jennifer Hollandthe wife of James Gunn, in the skin of Emilia Harcourt.
We will have beautiful people in the film Superman of James Gunn. The first trailer has already taken a look at some of the film’s characters. And the least we can say is that James Gunn pulled out all the stops:
- Superman
- Lex Luthor
- Lois Lane
- Green Lantern (Guy Gardner)
- Hawgirl
- Mr Terrefic
- Jimmy Olsen
- Metamorpho
- The Engineer
- Crypto
They will all be there for the new adaptation of Superman. The opportunity to discover new actors in the clothes of our favorite characters.
The ones we haven’t seen yet
Obviously, James Gunn and Peter Safran have great things in store for us in the future. Films and series derived from the DC universe which will allow us to meet new iterations of these great comic book figures. Among the characters expected in the DCU, therefore already officially canon, we can cite:
- Supergirl
- Wonder Woman
- Robin (Damian Wayne)
- Swamp Thing
- Booster Gold
- Green Lantern
- Maxwell Lord
And obviously many other characters that we can’t wait to discover.
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