It’s confirmed, C8 will officially disappear from TNT on February 28, 2025. The question now is what will happen next to the channel’s many shows, starting with TPMP. Where the future of the talk show had darkened last December, Cyril Hanouna recently revived the hope of a rescue.
TPMP saved on CStar?
During the January 6 show, the host reacted to a rumor which suggested that the program could finally bounce back to CStar. “We wanted to know if it was possible in the CStar convention to do a talk show, TPMP type, between 6 p.m. and 9:30 p.m., in the times in which we arehe explained. A priori, yes it is possible, the convention allows it“.
Then, the presenter of TPMP then revealed: “This track exists. (…) We are studying this avenue, it is a serious avenue“. And to specify: “Nothing is certain, but the good news is thatit is possible to do a talk show on the CStar channel.“
Nothing is less certain to date
News which immediately ignited social networks and reassured fans, but which Maxime Saada wanted to temper. During an interview given to Stratégies, the manager recalled “This is what I wish [que Cyril Hanouna reste au sein du groupe Canal+]“, before confessing all the same, “But it’s not done“.
As he explained further, he and his partners had “underestimated the risk of withdrawal [de la fréquence de C8] until the end“, decided by Arcom. The reason for the sanction? Among other things, the numerous fines imposed on the channel, in connection with the controversies which arose on the set of TPMP.
And obviously, while the disappearance of C8 will lead to heavy financial losses for the group, the managers are probably negotiating with Hanouna and his teams to ensure not to relive such a situation on CStar. This could involve possible censorship (delayed broadcast?), but also a reduction in budget and therefore… reduction in staff. However, the host who loves his freedom could be difficult to convince. To be continued…
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