What is behind it and how to let go? Two psychologists answer our questions.
DayFR Euro

What is behind it and how to let go? Two psychologists answer our questions.

Some people need to plan and anticipate everything: they are hyper-controlling, but for them and for those around them, it is especially hyper-tiring! From the shopping list to the purchases of the whole family to the schedule of each weekend down to the millimeter, anticipating and planning can be a good thing if it is not excessive. Clinical psychologist Victoria Guernon and neuropsychologist Baptiste Carreira Mellier, also authors of the Instagram accounts Ma.psychologue and Le.neuropsy help us understand what is hidden.

Behind these behaviors, there are certain psychological and emotional aspects. First of all, anxiety: “Studies show that anxiety disorders are directly linked to the perception of a lack of control. There is therefore a link between anxiety disorders (which include OCD) and an attempt to compensate for a perception of loss of internal control by external hyper-control behaviors,” explains Victoria Guernon.

When we try to control everything, we seek to avoid uncertainty or unpredictability, which are often perceived as sources of potential danger. “This can create a vicious cycle where the more the individual tries to control their environment to reassure themselves, the more their anxiety increases when they fail to maintain this control,” she adds.

A person who doubts himself fears that he will not be up to the task if he lets go and thus enters a real vicious circle (…)

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