why she could be deprived of her princess title after her marriage?
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why she could be deprived of her princess title after her marriage?

A tough blow for Martha Louise. The princess could lose her title after her marriage to Duret Verett on August 31, 2024. At least, that is what Norwegians would like according to a survey published by “NRK”, the country’s public broadcaster.

On August 31, Martha Louise of Norway married Durek Verrett, an American shaman. Since her marriage, the princess has been the subject of much criticism in Norway. A poll conducted by “NRK” reveals that 69% of Norwegians think that Martha Louise should lose her royal title. This reaction comes not only from her marriage, but also from recent controversies related to the commercial use of her title.

Read also: Princess Märtha Louise of Norway claims to be clairvoyant

Martha Louise had stepped down from her official duties within the royal family at the end of 2022, while promising not to exploit her status for her commercial activities. However, it seems that she did not fully respect this commitment. On the occasion of her wedding, she is said to have marketed a bottle of gin and sold exclusive photos of the event to a British magazine.

A princess surrounded by controversy

These initiatives have added fuel to the fire and increased public discontent with the monarchy, already exacerbated by another recent affair involving Marius Borg, the son of Princess Mette-Marit. As for Durek Verrett, his marriage to Martha Louise did not bring him a royal title. In Norway, it is traditional for spouses of members of the royal family not to receive titles or official responsibilities. Like his predecessors in this situation, such as…

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