companion, children… what she says about it
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companion, children… what she says about it

Marthe Villalonga has never had children. And for good reason, she has had a long and very complicated love story. But the 92-year-old actress has no regrets and has spoken frankly about her extraordinary romance…

Marthe Villalonga made an impression in her role as Rose Le Plouhannec, in Maguy from 1985 to 1993. The actress also played intrusive mothers, notably alongside Guy Bedos in We will all go to heaven when they were only two years apart. However, the actress, now 92 years old, has never had children. The nonagenarian lived for a very long time with a man whom she was forced to share with another and has returned to this part of her life that she fully accepts…

Marthe Villalonga: her great love with a married man

Marthe Villalonga stayed with this man for 50 years, even though he was in a relationship with another woman.There was only one until three years ago, until it was gone.” she explained in Seven to Eight in 2021. The latter was a father, but the star did not seek to know more about his other life: “What’s the point? If it’s to make other people suffer, it’s not worth it.”.

She has therefore come to terms with the situation which she recognises.a little special”. “If we wanted to go away for a month together, we couldn’t do it. So we accept or we don’t accept. I’m not saying that sometimes we wanted to be together, but we accepted” she told.

Marthe Villalonga did not have children: was it a choice?

Marthe Villalonga takes full responsibility for her life and believes that she made the right choices, despite the difficulty of her relationship. “We felt good. Why break up?” she justified herself. If her lover had children, the actress, she, was never a mother.It didn’t happen. I didn’t do anything to avoid having one, and it was the same for him,” she replied.

Despite everything, she has no bitterness.”If I had one, I would have kept it, because I love children, but I didn’t stay with that thing. I don’t regret anything,”– she replied. And for the end of her life, the Algerian-born celebrity wishes that her ashes be scattered in the Mediterranean.


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