(SenePlus) – In an interview with RFI, Fary Ndao reveals the origins of his first novel “The Last of the Arts”, a dive into the twists and turns of power in West Africa. The book follows the trajectory of a presidential candidate confronted with a major moral dilemma during the second round against an outgoing president.
“Is what we do in politics worth it, but also the cost “, asks the author, who places his idealistic protagonist faced with a difficult choice. The candidate discovers that a morally reprehensible act committed in his entourage could assure him victory. The very title of the novel reveals the ambivalence of politics, which the author describes as “both the last in moral terms” and “the ultimate art”, drawing inspiration from a quote from Voltaire which he skillfully subverts.
The novel is carried by memorable characters, including Demba Diassé, a figure inspired by the Senegalese communist activist Joe Diop. “For me it represents a form of radicality and a form of joy assumed in combat.t”, confides the author. The character of Zeynab, wife of the protagonist, embodies a powerful woman who goes beyond the simple status of “wife of”. “I was careful not to overly link the aspirations of my female characters to their spouses,” says Ndao.
A geological engineer by training, Fary Ndao reveals a unique path towards literature. “I had a career as a slammer artist for 11 years, 12 even,” he explains, emphasizing the influence of this practice on his writing. It was through contact with other writers that he finally turned to fiction, driven by an “obsession” with politics.
The novel concludes with a deliberately open ending, leaving readers “the freedom to continue reflection on the moral choices that were made by the protagonists”, according to the author. A work which marks the emergence of a promising new voice in contemporary African literature.
“Le Dernier des arts”, by Fary Ndao, is published by Editions Présence Africaine (350 pages, 17 euros).
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