Behind the scenes of “My mother, your father,” hosted by Nathalie Simard
DayFR Euro

Behind the scenes of “My mother, your father,” hosted by Nathalie Simard

The new show My mother, your father began this Thursday evening on TVA.

When auditions were launched in Quebec to find single people aged 40 to 60, the participation of children was kept secret. So when the children left their parents in front of the manor, they themselves did not know what role they would have to play.

However, the production had to make sure that they were available for the entire duration of filming, so they told them that they would have to create content for social media. As we saw in the first episode of the season, the kids were very surprised to discover their real role in the show.

« It happened sometimes when I was with the parents “, the host Nathalie Simard told us, ” then I would chat with them and they would ask me: “Have you heard from my children?” “Have you seen my son?” “Have you seen my daughter?” I would answer them: “No, that’s really not my area! I’m not the one who takes care of that, but I can tell you that they are well treated.” I would reassure them, but at the same time, I was lying to them! I wasn’t happy with that! I wouldn’t even steal a hundred dollars. I felt unwell, but I had no choice! It’s the format, it’s the concept, and then I said to myself: “OK, I have the GO of the children, so it’s okay!” »

Remember that other participants – and their children – will soon join the adventure. Learn more here.

The show Ma mère, mon père is broadcast on Thursday evenings at 8 p.m. on TVA.


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