Emmanuelle makes her decision about Jacob
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Emmanuelle makes her decision about Jacob

In the first four episodes of the STAT season, Emmanuelle (Suzanne Clément) had still not decided what she would do with the revelations made by Jacob (Lou-Pascal Tremblay) concerning the death of her ex-partner.

Would the emergency room doctor report him to the police or would she ignore his confession? We get a hint of her decision in the trailer for next Monday’s episode as she tells Alexis (Emmanuel Bédard): ” For me, the case is closed. ».

So, will she act as if nothing happened with Jacob? We will remember the images of the trailer of the season which showed us her jumping at her colleague’s throat. She probably won’t let him get away with it that easily…

Images from the next episode of STAT lead us to believe that Félix Lemoine (Émile Schneider) did not suffer serious after-effects following his cardiac arrest lasting several minutes. How do you talk to me if I’m dead? ” he asks Daniel (Bruno Marcil).

Also, Philippe (Patrick Labbé) reveals that he no longer feels safe since the attack on his person and Laurence Caron (Gabrielle Côté) tells Pascal that she wants to make an important announcement in front of ” all heads of departments ».

Watch the trailer below.

Also note that next week in STATthe emergency room doctors will take care of the victims of a landslide and Liliane (France Castel), the mother of Isabelle (Geneviève Schmidt), will accompany her daughter to the hospital for her operation.


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