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A candidate from Don’t forget the lyrics eliminated by mistake! Apologies from Nagui and a huge sum as consolation

Every day for many years, Nagui has been in charge of Do not forget the lyrics on France 2. This is a musical game: the candidates have the task of finding the words of songs that they perform, accompanied by an orchestra and choirs. Wednesday June 26, 2024, Maestro Justine was eliminated by her challenger Nathalie. But It was actually a production error ! The next day, Nagui apologized on the show’s set.

Justine chained the victories, 21 precisely, until collecting a nice jackpot amounting to 55,000 euros. But finally, she was dethroned by Nathalie who made her return to the set of Do not forget the lyrics with the Maestro’s silver microphone in his hand. A mistake ! At the very start of the show, Nagui made things clear. “I think that, on the networks, some people have given their heart’s content to what happened between Justine and Nathalie on a rather particular passage of a song where there was a doubt about the text. Alcohol will be removed from the editorial staff from now on. Do not forget the lyrics car we made a mistake“, declares Mélanie Page’s companion.

Don’t forget the lyrics: Nagui apologizes after the mistake

Faced with the situation, the 62-year-old presenter has no choice but to publicly apologize: “Sorry, to you who follow us and trust us. Sorry obviously to Nathalie and sorry to Justine who, finally, was eliminated on a mistake that we made. Not on a mistake that she made. That does not take away from Nathalie’s merit on the victories that she has known since. She deserves her 5000 euros and she keeps them no matter what.

Justine, Maestro of Don’t Forget the Lyrics, has a nice jackpot

Finally, Nagui, who spends thousands of euros for his often mocked passion, announced Justine’s return to the game. She thus regained her place as Maestro. And this time, she managed to beat Nathalie, who left the show with 5,000 euros. For her part, Justine won 20,000 euros, a sum which was added to her already existing prize pool. It is therefore 75,000 euros that she pockets. For now at least, because she is still in the race!


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