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“I was tied up, dragged through corridors and abused”

First known for being the heiress to the Hilton empire, then for her sex tape, Paris Hilton has long cultivated an image of a brainless young woman, who grew up in a cocoon of wealth, without being aware of her privileges. But, over the years, the DJ turned mother has revealed that her childhood was far from a golden one.

Labeled a “problem teenager”, she was sent to a treatment center, where she was the victim of numerous abuses. Violence, the extent of which she agreed to reveal in front of the House of Representatives, in Washington, Wednesday June 26, 2024.

In her comments, relayed by the Washington Post, Paris Hilton recounts the genesis of her personal hell. “At the age of 16, I was snatched from my bed in the middle of the night and transported interstate to the first of four residential treatment centers for youth. These programs promised healing, growth and support, but didn’t allow me to speak, move freely or even look out the window for two years,” she reveals.

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For two years, the violence and abuse continued for the teenager. “I was force-fed with drugs and sexually abused by staff. I was violently tied up and dragged through the corridors, stripped naked and put in solitary confinement,” she says with emotion. . Actions hidden from her parents, since the star claims that they were “manipulated” and “completely deceived” regarding the treatment their daughter underwent.

This is not the first time that she has mentioned these attacks: in 2020, in the documentary “This is Paris”, she accused the members of the Provo Canyon School team, in Utah, of to have been mistreated.

A year later, in the columns of the Washington Post, she detailed the “physical and psychological abuse” suffered in the four establishments where she had lived, claiming to have been “strangled, slapped, spied on in the shower and deprived of sleep.” It was only in 2022, in a New York Times video, that she spoke about sexual assault for the first time: “In the morning, they made the teenage girls undergo ‘medical examinations.’ examination table and put their fingers inside our bodies.”

Today, Paris Hilton wants to commit to ensuring that the children of the new generation do not suffer the same types of abuse as those experienced during her own youth. Facing Congress, she called on the political class to take better care of children in care. “If you are a child in the system, listen to my words: I see you. I believe you. I know what you are going through and I will not give up on you. You are important, your future is important and you deserve every opportunity to “to be safe and supported”, she concluded forcefully.

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