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collector Pierre-Jean Chalençon accused of racism by a journalist

It was during a dinner with mutual friends that the former host of the show “Affaire concluded” on France 2 allegedly insulted a guest, a journalist of Moroccan origin, who did not share his point of view.

In this Parisian apartment, the atmosphere of the evening was cut short. The famous collector Pierre-Jean Chalençon has been targeted since June 23 by the complaint of a young female journalist who accuses him of racist insults, we have learned Le Figaro from consistent sources, confirming information from 20 Minutes. It was during a dinner with mutual friends the day before that the collector and former host of the show “Affaire concluded” on France 2 allegedly made his remarks about him.

That evening, about ten guests are chatting at the table. A week before the first round of early legislative elections, the conversation inevitably turns to political topics several times… And the debates are electrifying, particularly regarding the “integration” of foreigners in France. “Why can’t Moroccans integrate into France?”, asks one of the guests to this journalist of Moroccan origin. The conversation, in which the Napoleon Bonaparte enthusiast actively participates, then turns to the founder of the National Front, Jean-Marie Le Pen. Pierre-Jean Chalençon is a great friend. Since the start of the dinner, he has already mentioned it several times.


Friend of Jean-Marie Le Pen

It was then that this guest, of Moroccan origin, cut him off: for her, the founder of the National Front is an anti-Semitic political figure, end of the debate. But Pierre-Jean Chalençon responds. The tone rises, to the point that the collector, in rage, explodes his glass in his hand. He said these words to the person concerned: “I’m sorry… Arabs will always be Arabs, go home!”

Around, the friends get up, panicked, to interrupt the sequence. But Pierre-Jean Chalençon continues: “Shut up, you dirty mouth, go home!” According to a source close to the case, the journalist then grabbed her phone to film the scene. But Pierre-Jean Chalençon, who had just gone around the table to jostle his interlocutor, would have thrown him to the ground with a sudden gesture.

The other guests intervene again, and forcefully take the collector into the kitchen, so that he can come to his senses. He always loses his temper, and asks out loud: “What is she doing here?” The journalist left the scene a few moments later, and filed a complaint at the 7th arrondissement police station the next day for “non-public insult based on origin, ethnicity, nation, race or religion.” An investigation was opened by the Paris prosecutor’s office.


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