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The song resonates in Vassieux-en-Vercors

Vassieux-en-Vercors is preparing for June 29 and 30, 2024, with the second edition of its singing weekend organized by the “Vents du Vercors” association.

A Successful First Edition

“We had a lot of people, we had good weather, everything was perfect. The people seemed delighted and so were we, so we decided to do it again this year,” confides Isabelle Cachéraone of the organizers.

An Event for All Ages

One of the new features this year is the inclusion of children from the start of the weekend. “We open with students from the Vassieux and Saint-Agnan schools and we will end with a musical tale intended for everyone, children and adults,” explains Isabelle Cachera. This initiative aims to integrate the entire community, from the youngest to the oldest, in a celebration of music.

A Well-Anchored Cultural Organization

The “Vents du Vercors” association, organizer of the event, is dedicated to promoting musical culture in this region. “For two years, we have been active with various concerts. Last year, we organized the Bourvil show, and more recently, we hosted a big concert with 130 singers and 30 musicians,” explains Isabelle Cachera. Their ambition is to make music accessible and to create moments of sharing and joy through various events.

The program

The singing weekend offers eight musical moments, each bringing its share of diversity and surprises. Here is an overview of the program:

  • 2:30 p.m.: Chantecaille – Vocal group of polyphonic songs, mixing world songs, French, revolutionary and sacred songs, accompanied by guitar, accordion and percussion.
  • 4:30 p.m.: Canopy – Mixed Choir of Clermont-Ferrand offers sacred songs from the New World, ranging from medieval polyphony to Irish melodies.
  • Evening: LES AZZImutés – A dozen singers from the Vercors for an eclectic and festive program, mixing different eras and cultures.
  • 10:30 a.m.: SARAVA – mixed vocal ensemble from Crest – Performing songs from Europe, Africa, and the Americas, sometimes accompanied by instruments.
  • 12h00 : Fanforal – Group combining brass band musicians and local singers, with a repertoire of songs from the East, costumed and staged.
  • 2:30 p.m.: Living Voice – Mainly female choir from Diois led by Carole Jacques.

End of the day: Nana Sila – Female trio will present a revisited Bulgarian folk tale, “The Vampire’s Bride”.

Open Stages and Participation

In addition to the scheduled concerts, open scenes are planned to allow everyone to express themselves. “Everyone can come and sing, say a text, or play music. Registrations are made on HelloAsso to ensure good organization,” concludes Isabelle Cachéra.

For more information and to register for the open stages, go to HelloAsso.


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