DayFR Euro

Sarthe. By betting €2, he won €113,000: “it’s not the first time”


Julie Hurisse

Published on

June 26, 2024 at 1:01 p.m.

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A bettor won €113,000 to PMU by validating your ticket at the Café de l’Europe at Sablé-sur-SartheTuesday June 25, 2024.

The bettor bet €2 on Quinté+.

The cafe owner is delighted.

“I took over the business at the beginning of January 2024 and this is the first time that such a big PMU win has been won. It’s great that it’s happening so quickly! »

The winner has returned claim your winnings. “He’s a regular here. I’m very happy for him.”

Asked by Les Nouvelles, another regular who knows the winner simply said “it’s not his first attempt, it’s not the first time he’s won a very large sum.”

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The first “big winner” in the department this year

He becomes a big PMU winner since he won an amount exceeding €100,000.

If there are currently 104 big winners to have won such a sum since the start of 2024, this is the very first in the department!

Already a winner in 2023 at Sablé

In 2023, no big winner had won such a sum in the department. The last win above €100,000 dates back to June 2022, where a bettor also won €109,534 in Sablé-sur-Sarthe.

In Pays-de-la-Loire, there were 11 in 2023 to have won such a gain: 8 in Loire-Atlantique, 1 in Maine-et-Loire, 1 in Mayenne and 1 in Vendée.

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