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anatomy of a “catastrophe for many men”

« DWorrying phenomena have been happening to me recently: hot flashes, fatigue, reduced libido […] What is happening to me? » It was first of all his own symptoms that pushed Rémy Burkel, a 61-year-old Franco-American director, to carry out the investigation. Worried about what he still cannot name, the sixty-year-old turns to Google, before a specialist resolves his last doubts: it is indeed andropause.

In Andropause, the great collapse?, an Infrarouge documentary, broadcast this Tuesday, June 25, at 11:20 p.m., on France 2, Rémy Burkel lifts the veil on the progressive decline in testosterone levels inherent to age and explores the different facets of this intimate upheaval. His own, and that of others. Around one in three men over the age of fifty, and no less than one in two around the age of 70, go through this fateful moment. “That’s a lot of people!” »

“A man, a real one, a strong one”

Yet the subject is silent. Why this taboo? questions the director throughout his documentary, carried by the confidences of the first interested parties and the analysis of specialists (urologists, psychologists, sexologists). “When a man is no longer ‘hard’, he’s not going to proclaim it from the rooftops…” Jean-Yves first responds, without ceremony, the first interlocutor to agree to testify openly. And the following confirm it: the social constructions inherent to sexuality also weigh (heavily) on men.

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