DayFR Euro

Bressols. They share games with ease

Since the start of the year, the new Bressols Aventuriers-du-Jeu club never ceases to surprise us. To strengthen ties and encourage meetings, the association has put in place a very attractive schedule which makes you want to join the circle of supporters: “We offer meetings which allow you to explore broad possibilities through references notable” the organizers explain to us.

In the elders’ room in the center of the village, all the conditions seem to be there to create a favorable climate for exploring one’s creativity, enriching one’s vocabulary and general knowledge and learning to lose and win.

In recent days, a large evening was a great success: “Sixteen participants discovered around ten games, and we are gradually welcoming new members” rejoice the members of the office.

Sharpen your logic

This week, driven by convincing enthusiasm, the club organized a Skyjo tournament in favor of the Telethon, with different prizes to be won, and it was still surprising: “It’s encouraging, there is real satisfaction around our club, don’t hesitate to join us to enjoy the game.”

Because at each meeting, they develop their sense of observation, using memory and sometimes the exercise of fine motor skills: “We learn to wait our turn and we explore our creativity and little more.” This year again, the Aventuriers-du-Jeu should surprise us at each meeting, praising a simplicity that should be made accessible to as many people as possible. Manipulation develops the logical mind and the ability to share, an idea that definitely seems essential in these times. And to transmit to as many people as possible.


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