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“Presumed Innocent”: an old-fashioned thriller with Jake Gyllenhaal

A charming prosecutor is found murdered in her home in Chicago. His boss, at the justice department, in the middle of the electoral campaign, appoints a colleague of the victim to lead the investigation, a man above all suspicion, charming, charismatic, respectable father of a family.

What he doesn’t know is that this prosecutor was having an affair with the young woman. When the love affair comes to light, the prosecutor finds himself accused. Is he guilty of this murder? He will spend the eight episodes trying to exonerate himself with many suspenses.

Presumed innocent is an old-fashioned thriller. A new series available on Apple TV +. Initially, it was a bestseller which appeared in 1987. Transformed three years later into a successful film, with just the right amount of erotic scenes between the two lovers, and in the role of the prosecutor in the dock. a subtly enigmatic Harrison Ford.

We are not at all there with this new adaptation. It’s Jake Gyllenhaal who takes on this role, for his first appearance in a TV series, and all we can say is that he uses his charm and his abs to try to make people forget the accusations which weigh on him. At his side, his wife, whose character is developed this time, while the best-seller and the film had been accused of machismo at the time. Women were left out.

The author of this new series brings the story up to date. It’s David Kelley, the creator of Ally McBeal and of Big Little Lies, which after having adapted with little taste A man, a real man by Tom Wolfe on Netflix, continues to tackle the great American bestsellers. This time, he remains faithful to the initial novel, and even attempts to update the situation in Chicago where the series takes place.

In the end, excellent actors, but a story that drags on. Sometimes a two-hour film is more than enough. Presumed innocentalready three episodes available on the Apple TV + platform.


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