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“I am in a transition phase”, Caroline Receveur confides in the aftermath

Absent from the networks, Caroline Receveur spoke on her Instagram account on Wednesday June 19, 2024 to explain the reason. Enough to reassure her fans while explaining what she has been going through since the end of her cancer.

Instagram @carolinereceveur

It was on Instagram that she announced to her subscribers that she had breast cancer, on July 25, 2023. Throughout her fight, Caroline Receveur continued to share her daily life on social networks, holding informing Internet users of the stages of his recovery. However, after indicating that she had fought cancer in January 2024, she was more discreet about her account. She explained the reason by speaking on Wednesday June 19, 2024.

“I feel the need to be in my bubble”

After spending several months dedicating her energy to the fight against her cancer, Caroline Receveur now explains that she is rediscovering herself. “I feel the need to be in my own bubble to adapt to what I’m currently going through. I went from a life at 100 miles per hour to the opposite, in the snap of my fingers, and I don’t “I wasn’t prepared for the ‘after’ after my treatments and my return to ‘normal’ life, I hid the transition with this new life, with this new me, and today, everything is coming to the surface.” , she explained. “Physically, morally, professionally, I am no longer the Carolina I was before, but I have not yet become the new one. I am in a transition phase and I am learning to deal every day with my emotions, which sometimes overwhelm me. ”

Big changes in his life

A long fight that changed her physically, but also mentally. Caroline Receveur explains having to accept these changes, but that it is a long process. “I know that everything happens for a reason, that this life experience allowed me to lay myself bare, devoid of all the artifices that characterized me physically and professionally. A stage that requires me today to learn to M ‘LOVE, finally for what I AM and not what I do or represent’, she explains. And to conclude: “I thought I would escape it but there is clearly an ‘after cancer’. Your cells die during chemo and a part of you dies with it. You have to relearn how to live, differently, to look at yourself, differently, to love yourself, differently , and this is what I am currently experiencing. Dying to be better reborn.” She promised her subscribers to come back soon, after taking a little more time for herself.


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