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unions call to mobilize on Thursday “for culture and against the extreme right”

Unions in the performing arts, cinema and audiovisual sector are calling to mobilize this Thursday, June 20, in France. A previous gathering, last Thursday in Paris, brought together a few hundred people.

Around fifteen unions from the performing arts, cinema and audiovisual sectors are calling to mobilize, this Thursday, June 20, in “Paris and throughout France” “for culture and against the extreme right”.

In Paris, a rally is planned in front of the Cinémathèque française, in the 12th arrondissement.

“With the extreme right at the gates of power, our organizations are measuring their responsibilities in this decisive moment for democracy, for all the workers we represent, for our sectors and for France,” these organizations wrote in a press release on Tuesday common.

Among them are the CGT-Spectacle, the CGT Culture, the CFDT Culture, SUD Culture and the Syndeac (national union of artistic and cultural companies), the Profedim (producers, festivals), the National Union of Public Scenes (SNSP) .

“We call on the entire sector to mobilize”

These unions describe the “broad outlines” of what would be, according to them, the National Rally project for their sector, if an RN government were to come to power after the legislative elections of June 30 and July 7: “questioning of freedoms of creation, programming, broadcasting and the press”, “privatization of public broadcasting”, “abolition of the Ministry of Culture”, “taking back control of theaters, operas, orchestras by deliberately changing the directions as ‘did (Giorgia) Meloni in Italy’, ‘threats to the intermittency of the show’…

“We call on the entire sector to mobilize (…) Thursday and the following days, in Paris and throughout France, to defend the public service and its resources, fight against unemployment insurance reform, ( …) and to fight against the extreme right and its ideas!”, they say.

A previous gathering, last Thursday in Paris, brought together a few hundred people.

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