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“I only have the positive of the adventure left”

“I just have the positives left of the adventure,” she immediately confided to News writer the day after this final which rather crowned his faithful ally Ghislain.

“I feel really good. Of course, the last few days were like a rollercoaster of emotions because I was reliving the final, but today when I got up, I was just happy and I’m good with everything that happened. happened.”

— Kassandre Bastarache

A tightly woven duo

While she found herself in the final with André and his faithful ally Ghislain, it was ultimately the latter who got his hands on the $100,000 purse.

“For real, I’m really happy for him because objectively, I think he really played the best game. And if it wasn’t me who won, I wanted it to be him rather than someone else,” admits Kassandre.

And even if victory narrowly escaped her, it was with the feeling of duty accomplished that the Trifluvienne left the Philippines last March.

“I didn’t think I would make it to the final at all because there are so many variables in this show– there and there is still an element of luck and chance. So I come away a winner from that just for having experienced the whole adventure. And just to have experienced each ordeal, it’s worth gold.”

La Trifluvienne spent 42 days in the Philippines for the adventure. (Noovo)

But in light of this result, would she have done anything differently? For Kassandre, however, eliminating her main ally was not an option.

“I would probably do the same thing again to get to the end, but in the final I think what was expected of me was to be more aggressive in my speech. But it was less in my personality. I like to give flowers and give praise and not throw people under the bus, so for me it was more difficult, but it’s something that I would work on to have a more assertive speech if I had to do it again.”

Unsuspected physical skills

Throughout her career, Kassandre has stood out thanks to her social and physical skills, among other things.

Kassandre has won numerous immunities, including endurance events. (Noovo)

In this regard, she was on many occasions the person to beat during immunity challenges, something which was not even an option at the start of the course for the Trifluvienne.

“I was surprised at the physical level. When I arrived on the carpet at the start of the adventure and I saw girls like Gwladys, Marilou and Florence, I said to myself “no, how am I going to do it” and in the end, I was really surprised. THE challenges endurance, I won them all except the one against Oli,” says the woman who also won three immunity necklaces individually at the end of the game.

A jagged end to the journey

But for the main interested party who never saw her name on the parchment during the tribal councils, except at the end of the session when her friend Déborah wanted to wink at her, the word adaptation was certainly the one that best defined his journey.

Kassandre won the event, allowing her to spend time with her brother at the end of the course. (Noovo)

“I have always admired the ability of human beings to adapt. I know it takes three weeks for a human being to get used to their environment and that’s exactly what happened. Me after three weeks, my little bed of leaves on the ground, it was mine and it was at home and I lay there as if nothing had happened even though I am arachnophobic.”

However, if everything seemed to be going smoothly, the end of the journey was more difficult for Kassandre.

“In the end, the hunger, the lack of sleep and this constant pressure, it became extremely energy-consuming. So the end, I found it really difficult and for the final tip, I was sick. I had spent the night before without sleeping because I was just coughing. My energy was at 0% and the rice, I was no longer able to swallow it, it rolled around in my mouth,” concludes with a laugh the woman who has not eaten rice since her return to Quebec last March and who doesn’t plan to do it anytime soon.


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