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“They even fell in love”: Dany Boon and Laurence Arné talk about the relationships between the children of their blended family

Guests on the show What an era! this June 15, Dany Boon and Laurence Arné made some confidences about their private life, and more particularly about their blended family life. Indeed, the two actors, who have been together since 2018, have six children previous unions: Dany Boon has four sons and a daughter, while Laurence Arné is the mother of a boy.

Laurence Arné and Dany Boon: “We fell in love while working together”

While they play a couple at the head of a blended family in Laurence Arné’s new film, The Hennedricks, this is therefore also the case in “real life”. If the whole “little” family seems to get along well, two of the children would have gone beyond the simple brotherly Love

“Our two youngest have fallen in love”

Dany Boon is the father of five children. First there is Mehdi, who was born in 1997 and whose mother is Sophie Hermelin. Then, Dany Boon had a boy with Judith Godrèche, in 1999: Noé. Finally, from his marriage to Yaël Harris three children were born: Eytan in 2005, Élia in 2006 and Sarah in 2010.

For his part, Laurence Arné has only one son, Raphaël. This one was also born in 2010, from the union of the actress with Jérôme Duchamps.

In the France 2 show, Dany Boon and Laurence Arné said that they had “got lucky” since all their children get along well, which is not always an easy thing. The two actors even revealed that two of their children had experienced a love story.

“Our two youngest even fell in love”they revealed in What an era!. The two lovebirds in question are therefore Sarahthe youngest daughter of Dany Boon, and Raphael, the only son of Laurence Arné. Their relationship lasted two years and, even if the parents now seem calm about this story, it was not always easy: “It was more complicated […] We were super anxious”confide the 42-year-old actress and the 57-year-old actor.

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Sarah and Raphaël are now 14 years old and are no longer together. For the parents, this separation was still a relief. However, they had to face this breakupwhile preserving their family. “I managed the separation,” explained Laurence Arné. “Because it was harder for my son than for his daughter.”

An untraditional love story, but which does not seem to have tainted the family life of the couple of actors.


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