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the funny misadventure of the comedian Bougheraba with Zidane

Almost a month before performing ‘at home’, at the Vélodrome, Marseille comedian Redouane Bougheraba played a football match with Zinedine Zidane. But everything didn’t go as planned.

On June 22, he will try to take on the crazy challenge of filling the Vélodrome, with a “unique” show, a French-style “Super Bowl”, he promises La Provence. Marseille comedian Redouane Bougheraba, close to the stars of the Marseille city, has many surprises in store for the 40-45,000 people who will come for this great premiere. In the presence of Zinedine Zidane?

“I broke my back”

“There is a good chance that he will be in the audience, yes. He is invited, in any case,” he assured in an interview with L’Equipe at the beginning of May. In the meantime, the comedian continues to hone his show. Last week, he completed two Bercys, a demanding sequence that he did not necessarily approach in optimal shape after having put on the crampons with his idol.

“I broke my back in Marseille three days ago, I was at Z5 for Zidane, a football field in Luynes where he organizes events every year with his niece to raise funds for associations,” a- he revealed to La Provence a few minutes before the first of his two Parisian dates. “We played football for a good cause. I wanted to impress Zizou and I broke my back.”

Zidane, his GOAT at heart

The first comedian to take up the challenge of performing a show at the Vélodrome – he has already set foot on the pitch in October 2021 for Unicef ​​-, Redouane Bougheraba found himself at the heart of a controversy after the deployment of a tifo in his image in the stadium, just before the last Classic between OM and PSG. Revealing tensions within the club, the affair had strained the Olympian club. A real heartbreak for this lover of OM and Zinedine Zidane, his GOAT (“Greatest of all time”) at heart, a source of inspiration for the comedian who hopes to join in his steps.

“Zidane is the first Marseillais who made us shine internationally,” he confided to L’Equipe last month. “What he achieved, between Panenka in the World Cup final in 2006, the volley in 2002 against Bayer Leverkusen, his career at Juve, at Real, in the French team, the World Cup 98 obviously… it’s exceptional. He represented us, the people of Marseille, his mother’s name is Malika, his father’s name is Malika, my father’s name is Smaïl. I was born here, he was born here and we are trying to promote Marseille beyond the Marseille borders, me with jokes, he is a model because he showed us that it was. possible.” That we could leave the difficult neighborhoods of Marseille and succeed internationally.

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