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Patrick Cohen atomizes Sandrine Rousseau live in “C à Vous”

Sandrine Rousseau facing Patrick Cohen in “C à Vous” Thursday June 13, 2024.
Screenshot / France 5

VIDEO – Thursday evening on France 5, Anne-Élisabeth Lemoine’s columnist gave a political lesson to the Nupes MP who had difficulty bouncing back.

Patrick Cohen causes a 404 error at Sandrine Rousseau. Delicious“. Thursday evening, on anticipated.

It all started when Sandrine Rousseau estimated that the macronie was responsible for the victory of the National Rally last Sunday in the European elections. “We remember Macron who wanted to rehabilitate Pétain as a war leader. He hesitated to give him the honorsrecalls the ecologist. The permanent appeals that were made to the National Rally gave the result that we know today. We always have the impression that the RN is not much. We remember the speeches that were made when Trump gained power in the United States, we said to ourselves: “he doesn’t have enough weight in the Republican Party”. And we see, he left the Paris Agreement, UNESCO, the WHO when Covid arrived», she lists before being cut off by Patrick Cohen .

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Sandrine Rousseau, we could exactly turn the accusation on youhe storms. You and a number of left-wing leaders. By dint of repeating for years that Macron and the RN, it’s the same thing”. “I’m not saying it’s the same thing», Defends the person concerned. “What you have just done, say that Macron has rehabilitated Pétain etc… People end up saying to themselves: “well it’s not that serious the RN. If it’s the same thing…”», continues the ex-France Inter morning worker.

Faced with this diatribe, Sandrine Rousseau takes it and stutters. Patrick Cohen continues: “You have reduced the danger represented by the National Rally through your speeches and these speeches that you have just given“. “Ie uh… Really on that, uh…”, replies Sandrine Rousseau before correcting herself. “Macron’s advisor ate with Marion Maréchal», she tries without convincing her interlocutor who poutes. “No, but finally, I set a very clear boundary with the National Rallyshe wants to emphasize. With Nupes, we refused to vote on any of its amendments. We refused to vote on any of his bills. We even refuse their motion of censure.” Patrick Cohen’s remark will at least have had the merit of making Sandrine Rousseau admit the following: “Maybe we made mistakes, I’m not saying we’re perfect, far from it“.


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