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Jennifer Aniston had no idea Friends would be so successful

Kim Kardashian thinks she has an “annoying” voice.

The reality star made her acting debut starring in “American Horror Story: Delicate” and already has another role lined up in another series developed by Ryan Murphy. She therefore hopes to be able to adopt a different accent for this project because she claims to hate her voice.

When asked by Chloe Sevigny if she would like to try her hand at an accent during Variety’s “Actors on Actors” interview, Kim replied, “I would be willing to do it, especially because I think my voice is so distinct and annoying.”

Chloe replied: “Don’t we all find our voice annoying? But yes, because people know you – I mean, they know the way you move, the way you talk, because you’ve been on camera for so long. “Trying to hide in a character for a long time must pose a different set of challenges.”

For her role as a publicist in American Horror Story, Kim took inspiration from her sister Kourtney Kardashian Barker, but when rewatching her scenes, the star wasn’t surprised that people thought she was inspired by her mother, Kris Jenner.

She said: “It’s funny, I was really channeling my sister Kourtney and someone I work with. And everyone, when it came out, was like, ‘This is Kris Jenner.’ And I said to myself, “I guess I already had this preparation, but it’s not what I thought.” But I see it now.


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