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Nantes: musicians with disabilities in concert at Stéréolux


Laura Gentil

Published on

June 7, 2024 at 3:06 p.m.

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APF France handicap organizes a free concert and open to all with musicians in
disability situation StereoluxNantes, Wednesday June 12 from 6:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m.

This will be an opportunity for young talents of the motor education institutes (IEM) of the association to perform on a big stage.

What is the program ?

Local artist and composer, Stan Amblard will provide musical accompaniment to short film has
from sounds recorded upstream during workshops in the IEM APF France handicap and at the
La Bottière neighborhood house.

The Grillo Crew is around twenty young people who write their texts in punchy flows and pieces mixing introspection, anger, hope and determination. All of this, at the service of hip hop at the IEM-FP La Grillonnais (APF France Handicap), supervised by Julien Snijders from the Kontrat-dixion association.

Balikou is the meeting of six young percussionists from the IEM de La Marrière (APF France handicap) and the beatmaker-DJ Sébastien Delaunay from the Kontrat Dixion association.

An explosive mix between electro, hip-hop, techno and world music.

Videos: currently on -

A pure product from Nantes, Frikaya is one of the rare duos combining machines, guitar and Fulani flute (from West Africa). After two years of creation, the artists present their live project, between modern and tradition.

The two musicians packed their suitcases from Bamako to Nantes to produce a well-structured set between bass-music, afro-trap, electro-house, while subtly bringing an organic trance effect.

This concert evening is free and open to all. Wednesday June 12, 2024, from 6:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. Concerts start at 7 p.m. Stereolux, microphone room (4 Boulevard Léon Bureau). Click here for more information.

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