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Taylor Momsen bitten by a bat: what are the risks?

It’s a concert she won’t forget. Singer Taylor Momsen of The Pretty Reckless was bitten on the leg by a bat while giving a concert in Seville (Spain). She was quickly taken to the hospital to receive preventive treatment against rabies. “Yes, the bat bit me, so rabies shots for two weeks“, said the singer on Instagram.

The bat is a mammal; there are nearly 1,400 different species. It feeds on insects that it catches while flying. As the Quebec government website points out, bat saliva can contain the rabies virus. The latter can then be transmitted to humans in the event of a bite or scratch. “Post-exposure vaccination is decided by the anti-rabies center, when a person has been bitten or scratched by an animal for which transmission of the virus is possible, taking into account the situation.“, indicates the Ministry of Health. This vaccination consists of several intramuscular injections spread over a month. Since 2001, France has been officially rabies-free. If not treated in time, rabies can be fatal.

Bats can also transmit histoplasmosis through their droppings. Indeed, bat excrement can contain microscopic fungi responsible for this disease in humans. “The risk of catching histoplasmosis exists in places where there are large quantities of bat droppings“, specifies the Quebec site. Before completing: “Histoplasmosis is an infection that usually affects the lungs. It sometimes affects other parts of the body, for example the eyes, liver, central nervous system or skin. Symptoms vary from person to person. The disease is rare, usually mild and not contagious. Affected people can be treated“.

In the event of physical contact with a bat, it is recommended to wash the skin that has been in contact with the animal as quickly as possible with soap and water, rinse thoroughly then apply an antiseptic before see a doctor.


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