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Koh Lanta. “My first opponent is myself”: Léa and Meïssa on the verge of the final


Marie Amelie Marchal

Published on

June 4, 2024 at 6:28 a.m.

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There will only be one left. Home straight for the finalists of the adventure game Koh Lanta who will compete on poles during the episode broadcast this Tuesday June 4, 2024 on TF1. Among the three survivors, two are from Hauts-de-Seine: Meïssa and Léa, like the winner of the edition of “Le Feu Sacré”, Frédéric.

From outsider to finalist

Discreetly, she did well. Léa, a human resources manager, began the adventure among the yellow Kadasi team. While her clan is reduced to nothing over the course of lost trials and advice, the Altosequanaise asserts herself.

“At first I was not not in strategies“, she admits. “I saw the yellow team getting smaller, I told myself that soon it was going to be my turn…” But far from giving in, she fought and shined the day before reunification. With calm and concentration, she offers a victory to the yellows.

A fan of Koh Lanta from the start, she shared his passion with his dad and it is to her “Babişko”, who has since disappeared, that she dedicates her victory during the orienteering race. Close to her family, Léa however managed to hide her participation in the adventure game from those close to her.

“I’m very happy to have done it, when I see in each broadcast the stars that shine in the eyes of my niece and my nephew… It’s so good,” she laughs on the line.

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“Indescribable pride”

Meïssa, for his part, plays for the reds, the Matukad. At the time of reunification, the player tries to make himself heard by his team to maintain numerical superiority over the camp but his strategies are not listened to. Annoyed, he allies himself with Amri, a former yellow card.

Underrated by her teammates, Meïssa finds herself on the floor during a comfort test. Driven by the desire to make them regret it, the player snatches two victories, winning one of the most moving rewards of the season: the arrival of a loved one in the Philippines to share comfort.

It was his dad, 63, who made the trip. “When he told me straight in the eyes that he was proud of me, it was a indescribable pride. It gave me a boost, he told me what I needed to hear,” the player tells Paris news.

After three individual victories, the Real Madrid supporter managed to reach the semi-final. To achieve this feat, the man who had “never used a compass” was able to count on the help of his ally and competitor, Léa.

“We move forward together and may the best win”

“It didn’t cross my mind that teaching him how to use a compass might have been risky.” It’s my role, even in my professional life, my goal is to raise people,” the player returns.

“My first opponent is myself, I can’t blame others if I don’t win and if I had to do it again, I would do it! Koh Lanta is about sharing, we move forward together and may the best win! » philosopher Léa.

Both will compete, in the company of the former red Julie, during the legendary poles event.

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