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Cahors. Hiking-dance: a photo exhibition for Juin Jardins

As part of the Cahors Juin Jardins festival, which runs until the end of June and in particular this weekend of June 1 and 2, Maison Boada is hosting an exhibition of photographs and drawings on hikes and dances. . Imagined by the choreographer and architect Aldéric Doyen, these performances offer residents and hikers the opportunity to explore their environment while alternating walking and dance movements. The walker-dancers become the first spectators of the everyday landscapes that surround them, exploring the spaces through the prism of both physical effort and the capacity of the places to stimulate our imaginations.

Photographer Caroline Peyronel immortalized this moment between exploration and artistic practice. With her camera, she followed a dance hike in September 2023, leaving from the Croix-de-Fer district in Cahors. His photos capture the emotions and cohesion of the participants as well as their integration into the landscape.

A fresco several meters long will also be visible. This was hand painted by landscaper Alice Freytet in real time, while she was walking alongside hikers, using the “roulotoise”, a portable writing desk. His impressive work follows the path traveled and offers a different map of the Quercy causses by integrating the spectacle of the dancers.

Maison Boada, 69 rue des Cadourques, Saturday June 1 and Sunday June 2, from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m.

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