Should You Change Your Child’s Clothes After School to Avoid Sickness? A Mom and Pediatrician’s Answer
DayFR Euro

Should You Change Your Child’s Clothes After School to Avoid Sickness? A Mom and Pediatrician’s Answer

“Do you change your children’s clothes when they come home from school?”. On TikTok, a mother, a pediatrician by profession, published a video on this subject which apparently puzzles many parents. Indeed, keeping your school uniform on could, according to some, be a vector of diseases and other viruses. In her video, she explains first of all that she thought it was a legend but that after seeing two pediatricians recently publish articles on the subject, She ended up doing her own research.

“The chances are slim to none”

“I wanted to look into it and study the studies on the subject to see if you could really get sick from the clothes you wear. Can you really get sick from clothing?she wonders. After conducting her investigation, the pediatrician mother is categorical: “The chances are slim to none”she assures. “It’s extremely rare for enough staph or bacteria to live on your clothes for a long enough period of time that you touch that area and then your mouth and nose. “It would really take all the planets aligning for you to get sick.”. There are of course some exceptions to the rule, which concern adults. Health professionals who are regularly in contact with sick people or even…

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