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Large families: pink notebook, an emblematic candidate mother for the sixth time, the baby’s first name revealed

Florie Galli, star face of the TF1 show Large Families, Life in XXL, has just given birth to a little boy with a sweet first name.

Instagram @floriegalli

A new baby has joined the tribe! This weekend, Florie Galli, revealed by the TF1 show Large families (whom she left in July 2022), announced the birth of her sixth child, a little boy.

Among the other tribes to have been highlighted by Large families on TF1, there are the Ricquelme… who, a few months ago, went through a difficult period:

Florie Galli reveals the first name (and face) of her sixth child

On his Instagram accountthe young mother established in Monaco, posted a video on which we see her, in the maternity ward, in the company of her newborn.” We are very happy to announce the birth of Martin on May 24, 2024.she wrote in the caption of a video in which we see her nursing the infant. I’m a little tired hence my absence in story but we are swimming in happiness with our wonderful little boy. We kiss you.”

Sunday May 26, the young mother published a another short video of his youngest son, visibly already very awake. “I wish a wonderful day to all the mothers. Enjoy your day. Thank you for your kind messages of congratulations, we are on cloud nine.

It was last November and with a lot of humor that Florie Galli announced her pregnancy, she who is already the mother of five children including triplets. “I told Pepito [le chien de la famille, ndlr] the arrival of a new playmate, I know, that’s a lot of play time but after a slice of sausage it’s finally okay, he’s ok. We can’t wait to meet you baby 6, if all goes well you will be with us in the spring (the same month as the triplets).”

Florie Galli talks about the arrival of her children

For the mother who will celebrate her 41st birthday in a few weeks, access to motherhood has not been a smooth ride, as she summed up a year ago in an Instagram post on the occasion of her 40th. years. “If I had to take stock of my thirties I would say that it was an incredible decade and very rich in emotions. I started it sadly in PMA and the first 4 years I can say that I did not enjoy it for a second of that youth, the years that followed I was so into it that I didn’t think for a second that my thirties were ending! summed up the Monegasque. A decade full of surprises, incredible things, a decade more than full and which are the accomplishment of who I am today. A woman, a fulfilled mother who thanks life for having brought her this far, and who intends to take full advantage of her forties.” And it started in the most beautiful way with little Martin!


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