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Near Neubourg, return to the Middle Ages for two days of medieval festival


Mathilde Carnet

Published on

May 27, 2024 at 6:50 a.m.

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On June 1 and 2, 2024, in Venon (Eure), we will return to the time of Middle Ages. This year, the festival committee decided that the village festival would be on this theme, it’s a first! “First we organized the village festival, then last year we celebrated the Liberation with military camps, and this year we thought of a medieval festival », explains Sylvia Levieux, president of the festival committee.

A unique party

To prepare for this great celebration, which, also for the first time, will last two days, the festival committee called on the Heirs of Château-Gaillard, one of the oldest medieval associations in Eure. “They will liven up the village all weekend,” promises Sylvia.

Everything will begin Saturday June 1, from 10 a.m., in front of Venon town hall. All day long, the Heirs, who will have set up a camp and will be dressed in period clothing, will entertain leather and macrame workshops. They will also make a cauldron cooking demonstration, for the pleasure of the eyes only! “A squire fight will be organized for the children, who will fight with small swords,” explains the president of the festival committee.

The Heirs of Château-Gaillard

Sunday, a fair for everything will take place from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. The Heirs of Château-Gaillard will be back, and another association will also liven up the day: Danceries Mundia, coming from Évreux. This association of medieval dance will give shows and offer initiations to visitors. “They will dance the “maypole”, a dance with ribbons. »

The Venon festival committee is proud of its new entertainment. ©Photo sent by Sylvia Levieux

Medieval dances

All weekend, a producers and artisans market premises will be found on the square. On Sunday, it will also be possible to do a donkey ride.

For the festival committee, made up of a dozen people, organizing this big celebration required a lot of work. “It took a very long time to organize, it’s a completely new party in Venon. Fingers crossed that the weather is on our side! » concludes Sylvia Levieux.

Meet on June 1 and 2, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., at Venon town hall. Free. It is still possible to register for the fair and for the farmers’ market, contact Sylvia Levieux on 0650719435.

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