Benoît prepares his next murder, Chloé threatened… The summary of episode 1770 of Friday September 13, 2024
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Benoît prepares his next murder, Chloé threatened… The summary of episode 1770 of Friday September 13, 2024

Friday September 13, 2024 in Tomorrow belongs to us…. Damien is worried about Violette’s behavior the night before. A tension that doesn’t improve when he learns that the young girl didn’t sleep at her mother’s. For the cop, something is wrong. But that’s not his mother’s opinion, at least at first. Seeing her son worried, she ends up calling her daughter, following the text sent by Jordan’s girlfriend, informing her that she would be staying at her girlfriend’s one more night. On the phone, while a gun is pointed at her, she acts as if nothing had happened, and manages to remove all worry from Philippine and Damien. However, at Lilou’s, after the hostage-taking the night before, the tension rises a notch when Benoît tells Sacha that Violette is the sister of a cop. On the Delcourt side, the atmosphere is also quickly weighed down. While Mickaël returns from his shift, Chloé arrives and shows what she received in the mail: an image of the cartoon that the Argenteuil monster had broadcast when he had kidnapped the nurse and Alex. It’s a shock! Mickaël goes back to the police station to inform Martin. According to Martin, Letellier wants to finish what he started. Raphaëlle’s partner decides to put the family under police protection.

Tomorrow belongs to us Ahead: Timothy blows Bart off, before resuming the battle for Rachel

At breakfast, Bart pulls out all the stops for Timothée by preparing him brunch. But, in his own way, Victor’s son makes him understand that they are not a couple, and reprimands his roommate. Good-natured, Anna’s son does not take offense and goes shopping with the policeman. When they return, they meet Rachel, who asks if the owner of the Spoon has found his new roommate. She explains to him, in fact, that she was looking for a new apartment. The opportunity is too good for Timothée, who offers, under the justification that the accommodation suffers from too much space, to reorganize the house to make a new bedroom and welcome a new roommate, or rather one. Because Bart is not fooled, and understands that this impromptu proposal is not unrelated to Rachel’s request. Victor’s son does not deny it, and admits to seeing this opportunity as a new possibility to seduce her…

Tomorrow belongs to us in advance: William plays with Aurore’s nerves, close to a meltdown!

At the Spoon, Simon comes to collect the signed divorce documents, William then explains that he lost them. But the lawyer was not born from the last downpour, and understands that it is a tactic to slow down the procedure. He also talks about it to Soraya, when he comes to collect the new papers. A situation that deeply exasperates Aurore, who wants to end it as quickly as possible. Manon then explains to him that she was not very tactful in her way of doing things. Hearing her daughter’s remarks, the captain decides to go see the one who is still her husband. Starting by apologizing, she soon understands that she is up against a wall. In passive aggressive mode, the doctor plays on his wife’s nerves, and ends up spilling soup on the documents to be signed. If William is jubilant, Aurore leaves at the end of her tether…

Tomorrow belongs to us in advance: Benoît prepares his next crime…

At Lilou’s, the teenager receives a call from Soraya, informing her of her upcoming visit with her father. Good news for Sacha (Renaud Roussel, who revealed the secrets of his transformation), who invites the young girl to do everything to discover the hiding place of the money, otherwise he will kill her. For Jordan, the time has come for incomprehension in the face of Violette’s behavior from the day before. Questioned by Jack, he cannot understand what he could have done to undergo such treatment. At the police station, everything accelerates. Martin discovers that it was indeed Benoît who sent the image to Chloé, and he also learns that a burglary took place in a slaughterhouse. The loot: a slaughter pistol. The same weapon used by the monster of Argenteuil. Enough to worry Mickaël, who is convinced that his release from prison was primarily intended to satisfy his murderous urges. Which the sequel confirms. While Sacha comes to inform him that they will soon have Lilou’s father’s money, Benoît (Jean-Baptiste Maunier – threatening about the consequences of his character’s return) seems elsewhere. Once his accomplice has left, he continues his task: on a map of the city, he circles several addresses. The locations of his future murders?


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