Mario Pelchat is still in shock
DayFR Euro

Mario Pelchat is still in shock

The cancellation of the series of dinner shows that were scheduled at his vineyard last spring continues to affect Mario Pelchat’s mental and physical health. We recall that the Commission de protection du territoire agricole du Québec (CPTAQ) refused, at the end of May, to give him permission to give shows at his vineyard. Despite all the requests for authorizations and permits made in advance, the singer and producer was forced to cancel all the scheduled performances and refund the tickets sold, in addition to laying off all the employees he had hired. He told us at the beginning of the summer that this stressful situation had caused him a lot of anxiety, not to mention the financial losses. Two months later, Mario Pelchat admits to still being in shock. “The summer was difficult,” the singer told us last week. “We put on events to compensate for the lack of shows. But I would say that my health took a hit. It was hard on my morale, which was low. But I’m slowly getting back on my feet. It wasn’t easy.” He said that he still has breathing problems due to stress and pressure, but he is getting treatment and says he’s in good hands. However, the administrative situation has not yet been resolved. “It’s being sorted out, but there are still steps to go before we get there.”

Mario Pelchat is nevertheless preparing for the harvest period, which should begin soon. “We should start in two weeks. There are going to be a lot of grapes this year! We had an exceptional year, with a mild winter, no frost in the spring, then rain and lots of heat. All the conditions are there to have a huge vintage!”



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