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Iris Mittenaere’s lawyer reveals what happened with her ex-companion Bruno Pelat, against whom the Miss filed a complaint

On Wednesday evening, Iris Mittenaere filed a complaint against her companion, Bruno Pelat, son of the real estate magnate and 78th largest fortune in with 1.6 billion euros, for domestic violence, described as “light” by the person concerned, according to Le Parisien.

The Miss Universe was prescribed an ITT of less than 8 days after a hand injury that occurred during the night from Monday to Tuesday. On Tuesday evening, while Iris Mittenaere went to a fashion event, she wore a brace.

“She is not in psychological capacity”: why Iris Mittenaere requested the postponement of her partner’s trial for domestic violence

This Friday, September 27, Le Parisien revealed that Bruno Pelat, who was placed in police custody last Thursday, would be brought before the public prosecutor the same day before his immediate appearance before the criminal court. “He will have to appear there this afternoon to answer for ‘domestic violence without ITT’ and ‘illicit use of narcotics'”, specified the Parisian. At the end of the day, we learned that the trial was postponed until November 6, at the request of Iris Mittenaere, so that she could attend.

Still speaking to Le Parisien, Emilie Bruézière, Iris Mittenaere’s lawyer, revealed that Bruno Pelat would have “hit her”, “hit her head against a wall” by intimidating her and threatening to “make her lose his contracts”, according to comments collected from the Miss. “She wants to provide her testimony, it’s important,” the lawyer explains to Le Parisien. The newspaper adds that Bruno Pelat’s criminal record is not clean. Liliane Bettencourt’s godson is said to be in a form of psychological distress, suffering from “abandonment and impulsivity syndrome”.


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