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“It’s a child who has grown up”: after 15 years of touring, the last season of Les Franglaises at the theater

When “Hello Goodbye” by the Beatles becomes “Bonjour Au Revoir” by the Scarabées. It is one of the public’s favorite shows in and on tour for several years: Les Franglaises is a musical show with a very simple concept, a troupe of 13 actors and musicians on stage cover English pop hits in French.

The show has existed since 2010, and has been seen by more than a million spectators, with a Molière award in 2015. Les Franglaises have just returned to the Bobino stage in Paris before a tour of . The troupe has already announced it: this will be their final tour.

Avoid “one too many seasons”

There is concentration on stage for the last rehearsals, but also emotion. This final turn on stage is a desire of the troupe. Adrien Le Ray, one of the co-founders and authors of Les Franglaises: “We all wanted our show to end on our own terms: when everything is going well, when the troupe is doing well, when the show is going well, when the audience is still there, when it’s still a blast.”

What this troop did not want was “one season too many”as Adrien Le Ray said. “We want to do one last lap around the track and it’s us who make the decision. It’s not because the winds are bad that we have to stop”adds the actor.

Eight months of touring in France

In 15 years, the team has doubled in size and the backbone, making people laugh with literal translations from English to French, has never changed, but the show has continued to grow. A few more hours before the first performance, additions enrich this new version. “He’s a child who’s grown up. He’s beautiful just the way he is.”rejoices Saliha Bala, one of the co-founders of the troupe.

“Every time we come back, we share our new jokes. We embark on new arrangements, new staging discoveries. We don’t know where we’re going, but everyone together”continues Saliha Bala. After Paris, the Franglaises go on tour throughout France for eight months, a final countdown before the end of a show that has been performed nearly 2,000 times.


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