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“I said goodbye to Jean-Michel and I cried”

JI met him on August 26 in his house in Marennes. Jean-Michel Autin, 64, suffering from the infernal Charcot disease, had invited “Sud Ouest” to express his desire to go and die in Switzerland. It will be October 4 at 10:30 a.m. This September 23, I returned to see him as close to the end as possible. Out of empathy of course, like many readers who commented a lot on the moving testimony, but also because the end of life remains a real subject in .

Ready to die

In one month, Jean-Michel’s health deteriorated, but his head is there, intact. In August, he could still sit around a table to receive us; this time, he is sitting in bed, unable to take off his ventilation device which hides his nose and mouth. Fortunately, I see his eyes for the smile and the tears too. As in August, he still has the cell phone to exchange.

He is ready, Jean-Michel, ready to die in a few days. Not in New York as written on his quilt, but in Geneva. He even misses it. “My condition is becoming more and more complicated. » The idea of ​​this injection which will shorten his suffering soothes him, like the love which surrounds him Lydia, his “doll”, Johnny, Danick and Alisson, his “rabbits” and his “little hen”, and Marley, his “little queen”. “Our family is so united that, in my last wishes, I asked everyone to stay united in our house which must live as before. »

For Lydia, he is her “darling”; for Jean-Michel, she is his “doll”, a love of more than forty years.

Kharinne Charov / SO

In August, the strong-willed man had already prepared everything for his big departure. Now he just has to enjoy himself until the finish line. It was Lydia’s birthday on August 28 and he gave her a large photo of the Seudre autographed, “I love you my doll, Tintin”. She’s already sitting in the living room. There were also signs of sympathy. “I received many messages of support and respect. Family, colleagues, friends came to the house to say goodbye. It’s weird knowing that we won’t see each other again, but so many emotions. »

“It’s weird to know that we won’t see each other again, but so many emotions”

Of course, when Jean-Michel remade the film of his “beautiful life”, there were some regrets. Crossing the United States by bike, too bad. Going in a motorhome with Lydia, exhausted. Buying a boat called Jodali, a contraction of the kids’ first name, to go fishing with the family, gone. Jean-Michel cries. Danick, who is not far from it, corrects himself: “We are going to buy this boat. »

Look ahead

As always, Jean-Michel prefers to look ahead, even if ahead is over. He thinks especially of the departure, October 2. “In the car, the five of us will recreate the family unit, it warms my heart. » His suitcase? “I don’t care, she’ll be small anyway,” he smiled with his eyes.

Jean-Michel, surrounded by two of his three children, asked his family to stay together after his death.

Kharinne Charov / SO

The former cycle tourist says that when he arrives in Switzerland, he will perhaps be able to see the road cycling world championship planned for Zurich. “The runners may be waiting for me!” » He also thinks about his last meal at the restaurant. He would love some fried eggs, a roast Camembert, a pistachio flan that Lydia will prepare for her “cabbage” and a fish brandade. And, why not, a little glass of booze, here!

Around him, his children and his wife respect his wishes. “I’m coping better with the situation because that’s what my father wants,” says Danick. Alisson tells him that “what he taught us will be there afterwards, we will always live with him”. Lydia, with a tight throat, managed to say: “This will be the start of something else.” But at least Jean-Michel will no longer suffer and he will go find my parents, they got along so well. »

The ceremony on the morning of October 22 cannot take place at the church which refused to officiate in front of… an urn of ashes. It will therefore be at the Lussant village hall, where Jean-Michel and Lydia spent their young years. “We will put up a beautiful photo of Dad with his music: Johnny, Ferrat, Dalida and the Saint-Preux concerto. And we will decorate with roses, pansies and poet’s carnations, as he likes. » Jean-Michel will always be there.

To finish the interview, the last one, I kissed him, and I too said goodbye to Jean-Michel and I cried.

Jean-Michel’s last message

“We grant this deliverance to our animal friends but not to ourselves, under what pretexts? Love? Religious morality? The profit of the labs? It is a shame and a charade in the country of Human Rights. » “I invite public opinion not to wait to be caught in this turmoil, to act and demand our rights: to allow us all to be able to leave with dignity, without waiting for suffering, if that is the patient’s wish. Please become aware now, don’t wait! »


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