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a beautiful documentary on October 2 at La Gacilly


Gwenaël Merret

Published on

September 30, 2024 at 3:00 a.m.

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“When I turned 20, I stopped agricultural studies after the baccalaureate in which I had launched myself, and I felt a rejection of the peasant world for a cultural orientation,” explains I touched Le Crasthe director of the documentary film “I don’t want to be a farmer”. It will be screened at theArtemisia cultural space of La Gacilly on Wednesday October 2, 2024 at 2:30 p.m., as part of the Blue week. The session is open to all, free, but upon registration at 06 70 50 30 78 or [email protected]/

“I saw in agriculture a priestly professionwho ate everything, like these artisans who live upstairs in their business or their activity around which the whole life of the family revolves”, continues the man who has worked for 25 years as a stage manager and production director in major festivals like the Old Plows in Carhaix or the Transmusicales in , and as manager of musical groups “of traditional inspiration like Krismenn who raps in Breton or Super Parquet which mixes Auvergne drunkard and electro.


But when he turned 30, “ the violence I felt against agriculture, my parents’ profession, is returned to the face. I questioned my father again, like a love reconquestwithout pathos or angelism, by facing the reality of this world.”

The documentary film project crystallized when Tangui Le Cras went to live in Mellinionec in the Côtes-d’Armor, “ documentary center important in , both in production and in distribution. I didn’t have never made a moviebut it was imposed as a necessity. » Tangui Le Cras found a producer, a co-author, a cinematographer and a sound recordist. After scouting, he began filming, 20 days spread over 6 months, during which he spoke with his parents, unvarnished.

Direct link with the earth

“I found beautiful things and the joys of my childhoodand rediscovered that this peasant life was a real choice for my parentsthey don’t did not suffer. It was all the more important for me to make this documentary as I realized that I was one of the latest generations to have a direct link with the earth», while half of the farm managers in Brittany will soon be old enough to retire…

From the intimate to the universal

By dissecting his own resentment, Tangui Le Cras touches the universal . His film was widely distributed on 3 antennas in the regions of France and was awarded by the SCAM (civil society of multimedia authors) in 2019. “I carried out a screening tour followed by discussions with the public over nearly 150 dates throughout France, a very strong experience, which stirred things up for many people. »

Videos: currently on Actu

Tangui Le Cras has put this experience to good use for 5 years by carrying out video clips for artists “that I support. I am now writing a film».

The documentary was also an opportunity for Tangui Le Cras to replay biniouafter having returned to ring with his father bombard player. “I reconnected with this medium to express myself. » To the point of creating amusical trance showexperimental at biniou, under the artist name ofCraze. Which the public will be able to discover during the programming for the first half of 2025 at the Artémisia cultural space.

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