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“I would never have done it”: Claire Chazal expresses her opinion on the new format of the 8 p.m. news on 2

Did Télévisions try to save soldier Lapix? Weakened by moribund audiences, the presenter of France 2’s “20 Heures” during the week saw her broadcasts extended by around fifteen minutes to reach a length of one hour. This new formula, in place since September 9, 2024, is still struggling to convince news buffs, who were less than 4 million at the high mass on Thursday September 26. However, the Basque firmly believes in this new format, wishing to present a newspaper “as informative as possible”even if it means not being guided solely by Médiamétrie figures, as she confided in the columns of “Parisien”.

“We can’t make a news story with filler”

Her colleague, Claire Chazal, does not share the same opinion. For the former queen of TF1’s “13 Heures”, the editorial choice decided by her current employer is not the right one. She freely opened up about it on the set of “Buzz TV”, expressing her skepticism about this extended version. “I don’t want to be disloyal to France Télévisions, everyone makes their choices naturally. But having this experience, frankly, I would never have done it!”indicated the host of “Grand chessboard”. To justify her thoughts, she highlighted her two decades of experience at the head of this meeting. “I presented 35 to 40 minute news on TF1 and we could do longer in the event of an exceptional event. Here, I don’t understand how we can build a hierarchy of news over an entire hour every day We can’t do a news story with filler or filler topics because it’s immediately obvious…”, she believes, also doubtful about the viewer’s attention during such a period.

Claire Chazal, new flagship figure of Public Senate

After “Free Entry” or “Passage des arts”, the literature aficionado tackled one of her favorite subjects on Public Senate. Claire Chazal succeeds Guillaume Durand at the reins of “Au Bonheur des Livres”, broadcast every Friday at 11 p.m. “I followed in the footsteps of the show that already existed. Our goal is to make you want to read and get to know the authors.” she emphasizes in the same interview. An exercise started with Gaël Faye and Alice Zeniter as guests…and which does not exceed thirty minutes of questions.


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