DayFR Euro

This feature of our phone would make us even more addicted

Our phone occupies a fairly important place in our lives today, as we use it so much on a daily basis. If at the office, we manage not to consult it too much, it is more complicated when we are at home. We can scroll for hours on social networks without realizing it. Many are now trying to detach themselves from it.

The phone function not to activate

In an attempt to avoid touching their phone too much, some people decide to put it on silent or even “do not disturb” mode to avoid being disturbed by notifications and calls. However, a study published in “Computers in Human Behavior” shows that this would actually be useless.

Is it dangerous to use your phone while it is charging?

138 people were studied to carry out this study. “Participants were asked to test several features of their smartphone for four consecutive days: 42% chose vibration mode alone, 8.7% turned to silent mode, while the others left their ringtone activated.” Result? People who chose silent mode looked at their phone 98.7 times, compared to 52.9 times for the others.


How can this be explained? “In some individuals, we observed that silencing mobile phones (no sound or vibration) induced greater use and almost compulsive notification checking behaviors.” It would therefore be a source of stress for them that is similar to FOMO (“fear of missing out”) or the fear of missing something.

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