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Raoudha Jean-Zéphirin (Large Families) confides in us about a worry since her children went back to school

Today at 06:00 – by Jessica Gajderowicz

A few days after the start of the school year, the pace is still complicated for some children. Raoudha Jean-Zéphirin (Large families: life in XXL) is well placed to know this since she finds herself in a delicate situation with her little Léandre.

The daily life of the Jean-Zéphirins has changed a lot since their first appearance in Large families: life in XXL. Outside of the TF1 docu-reality show, Raoudha and Stéphane have gained notoriety on social networks and have taken the opportunity to continue giving news of each other outside of the episodes. Thus, the public was able to follow the departure of the eldest of the siblings or the arrival of the youngest and tenth of the tribe, Jules, who was born on July 19. After a summer filled with love, the holidays are well and truly over and have given way to the start of the school year, a difficult time for the mother.

Raoudha Jean-Zéphirin stressed by a big first

Like many mothers, Raoudha Jean-Zéphirin experienced great stress as the start of the school year approached, as she indicated a week before the big day on social media: “Nothing is on point, as usual, but this year, it’s worse. With the birth of my little Jules, I’ve fallen way behind in everything, whether it’s my appointments, content, school supplies… I’m behind schedule“. This return was all the more symbolic since it was the first day back at school for his little Léandre.

Raoudha Jean-Zéphirin torn by Léandre’s condition

This Tuesday, September 17, Raoudha Jean-Zéphirin took advantage of dropping the children off at school to make an initial assessment after the past two weeks. The candidate of Large families: life in XXL then assured that everything had gone well except for a few details. “I have Léandre who is having a lot of trouble. He does nothing but cry. Ruben, no, he’s fine whereas last year he spent the whole year crying from start to finish. Now, he’s really happy to go to school.”she began. But Stéphane’s wife is still torn by the state of her little boy. She continues: “Léandre, I can tell you that sometimes I’m on the verge of breaking down and keeping him, but in the end, there you go, I put him in school. I hope it won’t last all year, little baby who came home, it makes me so sad.” Hopefully he starts to get better in the coming days.

Article written in collaboration with 6medias.

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