Exclusive breastfeeding: definition, advantages and disadvantages
DayFR Euro

Exclusive breastfeeding: definition, advantages and disadvantages

Breastfeeding is the way of feeding the infant Most recommended by nutrition and pediatric experts. Some try exclusive breastfeeding, others prefer mixed or artificial feeding. The most important thing is to find the simplest solution for her and her child.

What are the 3 possible types of breastfeeding? What milk for baby?

Among the possible types of breastfeeding to feed your child from birth, we find:

exclusive breastfeeding : the baby receives only breast milk for the first few months of life, no other liquids are introduced; mixed breastfeeding: the baby takes both breast milk and formula. This allows the mother to share the responsibility of feeding the baby with other members of the family; artificial breastfeeding or bottle : baby drinks infant formula made from cow’s milk or special formulas from a bottle to feed him.

How to establish exclusive breastfeeding?

It is important to establish exclusive and sustained breastfeeding from birth.

« Whether or not the baby is effective, research has shown that stimulating the breasts in the first hour postpartum helps nurture the prospect of long-term exclusive breastfeeding, or…

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