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the first selection has fallen

By BibliObs

Published on September 19, 2024 at 11:14 a.m.

Pierre Adrian at the Villa Medicis, in Rome, April 22, 2024. TIZIANA FABI / AFP

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Who will succeed Gaspard Koenig, 2023 winner for “Humus”?

Everything is going to hell, except for one thing. The Prix Interallié will not let parity pass through it. In its first selection revealed late in the evening of Wednesday, September 18, the 100% male jurors chose ten authors and… three female authors. These three lucky ones are Madeleine Meteyer for “Les obsessions bourgeoises”, a novel about dissensions in a gang from the golden youth, Véronique Olmi for “Le courage des innocents”, where a young man goes to meet children in great suffering and Delphine Minoui for “Badjens” which takes place against the backdrop of the “Femme, Vie, Liberté” movement in Iran.

For the rest, we note some names already noted elsewhere. Four authors are competing for the Prix Goncourt: Kamel Daoud for “Houris”, Thibault de Montaigu for “Cœur”, Jean-Noël Orengo for “Vous êtes l’amour malheur du Führer” and Olivier Norek for “Les Guerriers de l’Hiver”. We will also note the presence of our comrade François Armanet, who was for a long time head of the Ideas section at “Nouvel Obs” and who recounts his best memories in “Vous sais quoi?”.

To find out who will succeed Gaspard Koenig and win this prize, which traditionally rewards a journalist-writer (which Koenig was not), we will have to wait for the next selections on October 3 and November 7, before the announcement of the prize on November 13, at the Lasserre restaurant in .

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Prix ​​Goncourt 2024: Kamel Daoud, Maylis de Kerangal and Gaël Faye in the first selection

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The 13 novels in the running for the 2024 Interallié Prize

  • Hotel Romaby Pierre Adrian (Gallimard)
  • You know what?by François Armanet (La Table Ronde)
  • Hourisby Kamel Daoud (Gallimard)
  • Among other solitudes, by Yves Harté (Le Cherche-Midi)
  • Checkmate in Paradiseby Sébastien Lapaque (Actes Sud)
  • Bourgeois obsessionsby Madeleine Meteyer (JC Lattès)
  • Badjensby Delphine Minoui (Seuil)
  • Heartby Thibault de Montaigu (Albin Michel)
  • The Winter Warriorsby Olivier Norek (Michel Lafon)
  • The courage of the innocentby Véronique Olmi (Albin Michel)
  • “You are the Führer’s unhappy love”by Jean-Noël Orengo (Grasset)
  • Hutby Abel Quentin (L’Observatoire)
  • The great strange homelandsby Guillaume Sire (Calmann-Lévy)

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Please note: According to the latest news, the jury is composed of Jean-Marie Rouart, Stéphane Denis, Gilles Martin-Chauffier, Eric Neuhoff, Christophe Ono-dit-Biot, Jean-Christophe Rufin, Jean-René Van der Plaetsen and Florian Zeller.

Also note: Most of these books have been, or will soon be, reviewed in the literary pages of the “Nouvel Obs” and on BibliObs. And the latest news on literary prizes can be found there.


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