DayFR Euro

Moirax. Accords and souls: ten years of vocal heritage in the South-West

Striking from the start, the concert on September 8, given in the church by Accords et âmes, filled the church with 220 people.

A bit of history for this vocal ensemble matched with Cyrano, a string quintet of musicians performing mainly in the South-West.

Similarly, David Lauer created the vocal ensemble in 2006 in before moving to the region in 2016. Around thirty amateur and passionate singers meet once a month in Moncrabeau to “work on great works from the choral repertoire such as Bach’s St John Passion or Mozart’s Requiem. The association operates completely independently thanks to the singers’ minimal contributions and the proceeds from concerts.

A worthy and deserved success

There was no need to be a music lover to be captivated by the performance of violinists Christian, Sébastien, Myriam, cellist Nathalie, double bassist Dimitri, pianist Véronique and young oboist Jérémy. Framed by two rows of choristers, they highlighted the exceptional voices of the extraordinary Raphaël the sopranist, Sarah, soprano, Carole, mezzo, Serge, bass and David, tenor.

The audience, religiously attentive, gave a standing ovation to Haydn’s Salve Regina in G minor, only daring to applaud at the end of Johann Sebastian Bach’s Magnificat in D major, whose five-part song was sung in Latin. The remarkable solos filled the church. The admiring audience participated generously in congratulations and support (free participation). A legion of David Lauer fans had just been born.


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